
The Guide to Hottest in Theatrical Horror!

Anytime I see a film, especially a new one, I often sit my perfectly formed fanny right here at my computer and search the interwebs to see what other’s think about the movie. What places do I look to first? All of the horror blogs that I already follow, written by people that I know and trust. It’s those opinions I like to read and no matter how many blog reviews of The Wolfman are out there, each one of use has our own view and opinion that garner a worthwhile read. So what I would like to see, is every new major theatrical horror release that comes out, whomever sees and reviews the movie on their blog, can send in the link, and we will have one post linking to each individual review, all in one tidy little place. Even if you don’t see and review the movie until a week later, send it in and we’ll include it by updating and republishing the post. This will make for a one stop shop for all of our opinions on whatever hot new horror flick is out there to digest. This is also certainly something that can extend to major DVD releases if the movie has a lot of hype behind it, something like a Trick ‘r Treat, for example. 

So the next big horror release is this coming Friday (2-19) with Martin Scorsese’s Shutter Island, which I think many of us have high hopes for as well as hoping it delivers as much horror as has been promised. Or should I say, promoted? Either way, if you see and review Shutter Island on your blog, send in the link to the review, as well as the title of the post to and as soon as a few reviews come in, we can put it up, hopefully on the films release date, which would be ideal. It’s a great way to spread the word about your review and an easy way to see what other awesome bloggers have reviewed the latest that horror has to offer! Any ideas, concerns, etc…please, let us know!       


  1. This is a great idea! I'll most likely be seeing and reviewing Shutter Island. I also have a Wolfman post to get to sometime this week.

  2. Love the idea. Do you want to start with Wolfman as I got my post up. Or if you're more inclined to start with Shutter Island i'll be getting to that movie in 2 days. Unless I get hit by a bus.

  3. x3, excellent excellent idea, Im all for seeing review of both posted up!

  4. Yeah, ratof, we can do one for The Wolfman...send yours right in and I'll put it up. Same goes for anyone else that sees this comment and wants to send one in, please do!

  5. Great idea Carl. I'd like to go to one place to link out to everybodys reviews

  6. Just posted my brief thoughts on Wolfman :

  7. This one was all Matt JV, a few of us are linked up on the HBA so it may be a little confusing lol..

  8. Two straight to disk films have highly impressed me in recent months, Trick R Treat & Cabin Fever 2.


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