
The HBA Takes A Stab At: Shutter Island!

shutter Just a little reminder that Martin Scorsese’s, Shutter Island, staring Leonardo DiCaprio (Critters 3) is out today! So anyone that gets a chance to see and do up a review for the film, please, send us a link to the email (, or leave it in the comments section below and we will post them up, right here, as soon as possible! We had a great turn out for The Wolfman (which is sooo last week) and it was wonderful seeing so many people send in their contribution, so thank you! Yes, I mean YOU!

Gruesome Details:

Shutter Island Quick Review

Dinner With Max Jenke:

It's A Madhouse! A Madhouse!

Heart in a Jar:

The Island of Lost Soul

Things That Don't Suck:

Shutter Island

Rach’s Media Opinions:

The Shutter Island Experience

All Things Horror:

Shutter Island

The World of Disgruntled Monkey

Review – Shutter Island


  1. Hey ho!

  2. I can't wait to see this!

  3. Here's The Jar review, Carl!


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