
Horror Radar: 3/28/2010

Good morning everyone! We hope you have been enjoying the weekend, and we have some more great announcements for you this morning from your fellow HBA members:


James Hawley has finished his first feature film SEWER CHEWER, and would like to invite everyone to visit the homepage to view the trailer:

Additional information on the film can be found at the address above, so be sure to check it out!


Resurrection Jim is running another great list of his top picks for his segment "Five Favorites," this week focusing on Blu-Ray. Be sure to check out the list HERE!


Steve Miller is also putting out an APB to all bloggers interested in helping with a blog-a-thon this month to celebrate the defeat of Nazi Germany:

I'm planning a "blogathon" of sorts across my review blogs (which "Terror
Titans," "Shades of Gray" and others) to mark the 65th anniversary of the
defeat of Nazi Germany under the title of "Nazis Quit." Right now, it's
just a one-man show, but if anyone else feels like participating, I will be
happy to post a link to their blogs at "Cinema Steve" where all my blogs
are linked and also links to individual posts that I receive links for.
Email me at if you're interested in participating
or if you have questions.

The "Nazis Quit" observance will run from April 5 through May 7. Any review
of films, books, music or artwork featuring Nazis, Hitler and other Third
Reich icons will fit the theme. (Please note, however, that this is NOT an
effort to celebrate Nazis, but rather a celebration of the destruction of
Nazi Germany.)

Also, if someone wants to design a "Nazis Quit" banner or button, I will
post that, too.

You can visit my blogs by going here:

(The "Shades of Gray" blog already features a number of WW2-era movies.
Click on the "Nazis" to see posts similar to what I'm generating for the


Thanks again to all of our participants and contributors, and have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Sewer Chewer looks like a goofy good time.


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