
AMC's The Walking Dead...

“The Walking Dead” premieres on AMC on Halloween, Sunday, October 31 at 10 p.m. ET/9 p.m.  For the first time ever, the series begins to premiere globally a few hours after AMC’s U.S. launch. Similar to a theatrical film release, all FIC markets launch the first episode during the same week, before the release of the second episode in the US. “The Walking Dead” debuts in 120 countries, airs in 33 languages and can be viewed in 250 million households when it premieres.
Okay ZOMBIE fans... who hopes this show will be just as good as it looks, I have my fingers crossed.


  1. I knew this day would come from the very moment I picked up the first comic book of the Walking Dead! Everything so far looks very promising. Fingers crossed too.

  2. OMG, I loved the fan made trailer so much that they aired on G4, that I have become obsessed with this show. I can't wait!!

  3. Dare I say that the series could be better than the source material? Let's hope that some of the trivial human drama of the comics series is downplayed and the zombie infestation horror element is emphasized.


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