
Almighty Goodness

May the same Almighty Goodness banish the accursed monster, war, from all lands, with her hated associates, rapine and insatiable ambition!
-Daniel Boone


  1. Matt, It looks like this troll would have a difficult time landing a woman from anywhere - So sad, he must be in his parents basement, Dr. Pepper running down his face and Frito crumbs all over his shirt.

  2. Thank you Boy for making me aware of the vast asymmetry between domestic American women and pricey foreign models.

    I'm guessing that you've uncovered some fantastic new masturbation technology that you're going to share with the rest of us, whose fathers sold us down the river with the old "Find a gal, just like your Ma" line.

    I look forward to plumbing the depths of your blog for this tantalizing secret that will allow me to basement-dwell in comparative luxury and self-satisfaction. Wholly comfortable in the knowledge that I, indeed, don't need no stinkin' woman.

    I would like to note that I hope that this purported Golden Fleece you have tantalizingly dangled before my crushed heart and swollen testes is indeed real, as it is all that I'm clinging to, in my current miserable American-wifed status.


  3. common he is right, we must love thy sheep... wait i think i missed the point.

  4. crap... it's come on... not common, or is that sheep looking good...


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