
Horror Resolutions 2012

What are you plans for your site of horror and of horror things... 2012 is here, we don't want you to be floating in cyberspace...

Happy New Year HBA Members
Jeremy [iZombie]
HBA Staffer


  1. I'm going to make a New Year's Resolution with some teeth this year and try to clear out my classic horror wishlist.

    Somewhere somebody must have copies of these books . . . and I'll do my damnedest to get my claws on them.

  2. This will be my third year posting on GUARDIANS OF THE GENRE! and I think the new year is a good time to start fresh with some new ideas. While I have spent most of my time for the past two years on this blog reviewing movies, TV programs, books and comics in one of my three favorite genres – horror. I have also shared some of my other guilty pleasures as well; such as horror hosts, podcasts and filking. I have also continued to post videos of mine and other genre guardians’ Television appearances and related horror hosting gigs. While I plan on continuing to post entries on all these things, I will be trying to expand on the amount and variety of horror related material that I’m interested in.

    One way I came up with to increase the number of reviews on all things horror is I’ve decided to use a grading system on all my reviews from now on. However, I will not go into too much detail on them - other than to give my opinion of them – in hopes that I can write more of them more frequently. I also will be breaking with my standard practice of not reviewing anything that I didn’t like or enjoy. While I still prefer to write and read positive reviews of things, I do think constructively written critical reviews serve a purpose as well. So starting in 2012 I will be writing about the good, the mediocre and the bad in my three favorite genres, one of my favorites of course being horror. I hope to see even more readers, commenters and maybe even followers of GUARDIANS OF THE GENRE!

  3. i like this blog....
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  4. The future aspect of making a horror movie.

    Scary Movie


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