
TAKING SUGGESTIONS? 999+ Members and counting?

Been thinking this place needs a new simple look?
Would like to add contributors to the HBA?
New Design for HBA T-shirt?
Sponsors and Donations?
More HBA Interaction?
Build a HBA Map?


  1. HBA is an awesome concept -- I love the idea of an online community for horror bloggers. There are so many people out there writing cool stuff.

    I would suggest something like this: the HBA operates kind of like a lodge. Membership is $20 a year, members have their blogs listed, have the option to buy ad space on the site, can vote in online polls and can nominate other blogs for annual awards in various categories. There is some great writing going on out there and it deserves to be recognized.

    Requiring dues would ensure that members would stay active on the site (because they are invested, so to speak) . And it would also make it easier to cull sites that are abandoned and disappear entirely.

    HBA could also promote member sites by posting "best of" blog entries -- giving members a sampling of good stuff their peers are writing.

  2. I would also suggest getting sites that sell horror-related merch to donate samples that could be used for giveaways. The giveaways could be done as a monthly drawing -- you don't have to be a paying member in order to enter the drawing, but you have to be registered and have to submit a valid email address. So every month you can de-dupe your email list and know that your email list is up to date.

  3. HEY Hi And howdy all,
    Joining this Horror Blogger Alliance has been great for my little fledgling blog.
    to show my appreciation I'd be mighty proud to design you a free T-shirt!
    As long as Im not too bogged down with work I would love to help out. :)


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