Hey hey, stabers! Today is the day where we all get one last, well, maybe last, Saw film, and this time around, it's in 3D! The Saw franchise is arguably the biggest current franchise of the current era of horror, but how will this newest installment play out for the members of the HBA? Leave a comment below with a link to your review, and we will add it for all the other members to check out!
Dinner With Max Jenke: Saw 3-D: The Most 3-D Saw Of Them All!
Doctor Blood's Video Vault: Saw 3D (2010)
The Cheap Bin: Review: SAW 3-D (theatrical release)
Porkhead's Horror Review Hole: Saw 3D
Now, even if it isn't technically a movie, the highly anticipated zombie series, The Walking Dead, is stumbling its way onto screens on Halloween night. I'm sure that more than a few horror writers will be sharing their thoughts on their respective sites, so be sure to share your thoughts with all of us!
Things That Don't Suck: The Walking Dead
Fear of Fiction: The Walking Dead: TV show episode 1
Cyberschizoid: THE WALKING DEAD - Does It Live Up To The Hype?
Horro's Gory Reviews: Reviews to Die For: Horror on TV
The Saw finale is strictly middle of the road - it isn't anywhere near as good as VI was. But the 3-D looks great, at least.
Here's my write-up:
I was a bit disappointed. http://www.drbloodsvideovault.com/2010/10/saw-3d-2010.html
Meh. More of the same.
And my own little effort!
Here's my take on Walking Dead
5am write-up of The Walking Dead from me!
THE WALKING DEAD - Does It Live Up to The Hype?
Check out my review of Saw 3D at www.horrosgoryreviews.blogspot.com.
Also, check out my random thoughts on The Walking Dead episodes on my Horror on TV page at www.horrosgoryreviews.blogspot.com/p/horror-on-tv_15.html
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