The Bleaux Leaux Reveaux
Get out there and get reading!

Once again we have some more horrible happenings going on at a few of our fellow HBA member's blogs, and we are here to share them with you all!
The handsome and fascinating, Matt-suzaka over at Chuck Norris Ate My Baby has a MASSIVE contest/blogathon that was just announced yesterday. It's called the Chuck Norris Ate My Blog Contest, and much like a blogathon, to enter, you have to do some sort of post about anything that is Chuck Norris related between May 24th and May 30th. After that time period, the top three most creative and entertaining posts will be picked as the winners, with one of those winners getting the grand prize and the other two getting the runner-up prizes. So that is three chances to win prizes for the small price of having fun!
Stop by Chuck Norris Ate My Baby for all the boring details.
Shelly from ShellHawk's Creations has some jack-o-lantern pots for sale on her Etsy site, including some special Raku jackos. They look great and it is never too early to get ideas and new decorations for Halloween!
Click here and check out what there is to spook up your house with next season!
We have radar galore in today's Horror Radar, so take a moment and check out what our fellow HBAers have going on at their blogs!
2VS8 over at Two Thumbs, Eight Fingers has a two part interview with Jack Messitt, director of Midnight Movie. Stop by and check out the interview, leave a comment and keep an eye out as he plans on doing even more interviews in the near future!
Cinezilla has a post up pitting one Andrei Tarkovsky against Lucio Fulci. Was Tarkovsky influenced by the wild man Fulci? Check out this great post to find out!
Andrei Tarkovsky vs. Lucio Fulci
Lastly, Cortez over at Planet of Terror has a double dose of news for us. First up, Cortez needs someone with mad skills to create a flyer to help promote some independent films that he will be presenting at the annual Seattle Horror Convention. He has made it into a contest, and the one who comes up with the best design will win the following:
- A one year subscription to the raddest horror magazine on the planet: HorrorHound
- A Fright Rags t-shirt of your choosing
- Another 'surprise' prize (believe me, it will be good)
All artwork will need to be submitted by no later than 5/20 and sent to: jcorty28 (at) gmail (dot) com.
Also, there is a big announcement over at Planet of Terror concerning the return of the Meet the Horror Blogger series.
Stop by to find out exactly what it is…
That's it folks, have a great weekend, and to all you mothers out there, have a great mother's day!
Got a whole bunch of stuff to share with all of you lovely HBAers!
First up and most importantly, Johnny Metro from Midnight Media is asking the horror blogging community to help him out with a very important cause. One of Johnny's best friends recently lost his mother to brain cancer – there will be a Marathon held by the American Brain Tumor Association in October to help raise money for support/research and patient/family support programs of ABTA. Johnny is looking to get donations for the marathon and every dollar donated will be matched by the Chicago Marathon.
Please stop by Midnight Media for more details and if you can, extend a helping had to one of our friends.
Starting Monday May 10th and running until Saturday May 16th, participating blogs will be contributing to "Blair Week" a carefully planned strategic operation calculated to saturate the target area with Linda Blair.
Monday May 10:Lost Video Archive - Savage Streets
Satan's Hope Chest - Chained Heat and Savage Island
Camp Movie Camp - Grotesque
The Horror Section - Hell Night
Full Moon Reviews - Bailout
Illogical Contraption gets Repossessed
Lines That Makes Things drops original Linda inspired artwork
Breakfast In the Ruins - Exorcist II
B Movies and Beyond - Summer of Fear
Camp Movie Camp - Nightforce
The Manchester Morgue - Rollerboogie
Happy Otter - The Chilling
Ninja Dixon - The Witchery
Lost Video Archive - Born Innocent
Unflinching Eye wraps it up with a look at Linda's fall from grace.
Lastly, there is a giveaway going on over at Big Daddy Horror Reviews where readers can get the chance to win a copy of the newest Dario Argento box set! The giveaway is in conjunction with the Big Daddy Horror Review's Facebook fan page and the box set includes the films: Phenomena, The Card Player, Trauma, Tenebre, and Do You Like Hitchcock?
We got a quick Horror radar for you all this evening. Over at Planet of Terror, Cortez the Killer posted an interview with the makers of Blood on the Highway. It's a vampire comedy that's actually funny. A movie for fans of The Evil Dead, Dead Alive, and Darkness: The Vampire Version. Click here to check it out!
Hey boys and ghouls, it's a new month and along with that new month, we got us a few new members to add to the HBA!
Let's make these new additions feel welcome, and check out their blogs!