Official HBA TShirt [2010] - Limited
Re-design from the old shirt, because it had to much going on and did not flow right. I now bring you the "HBA MEDICAL MEMBER AND FACULTY PSYCH WARD" T-Shirt. The idea here was the "HBA" was the front door to a world of the crazy, with each members link was a patient's room. A room of undetermined madness and monstrous mayhem, wow that is a mouthful isn't it well you all get the idea.
So are you interested? Do you want this "Exclusive" Member's Only Shirt?
T-shirt will be one-sided and on a "Kiwi Color".
sizes: medium or large or x-large $20.00 [shipping included]**
sizes: xx-large $22.00 [shipping included]**
Payable to Paypal [], Postal Money Order, Check [10 day waiting period]
**Out of the United States shipping maybe slightly more.
DEADLINE: November 30th, 2010 [ordering shirts first week of December]
Reference: HBA-SHIRT-001
Contact: Jeremy
This Week For: October 31st to November 6th
Let everyone know what you are doing this week
The HBA Takes an Undead Walk to See Saw 3D!
Hey hey, stabers! Today is the day where we all get one last, well, maybe last, Saw film, and this time around, it's in 3D! The Saw franchise is arguably the biggest current franchise of the current era of horror, but how will this newest installment play out for the members of the HBA? Leave a comment below with a link to your review, and we will add it for all the other members to check out!
Dinner With Max Jenke: Saw 3-D: The Most 3-D Saw Of Them All!
Doctor Blood's Video Vault: Saw 3D (2010)
The Cheap Bin: Review: SAW 3-D (theatrical release)
Porkhead's Horror Review Hole: Saw 3D
Now, even if it isn't technically a movie, the highly anticipated zombie series, The Walking Dead, is stumbling its way onto screens on Halloween night. I'm sure that more than a few horror writers will be sharing their thoughts on their respective sites, so be sure to share your thoughts with all of us!
Things That Don't Suck: The Walking Dead
Fear of Fiction: The Walking Dead: TV show episode 1
Cyberschizoid: THE WALKING DEAD - Does It Live Up To The Hype?
Horro's Gory Reviews: Reviews to Die For: Horror on TV
Comments/ Contest HWR - Rosemary's Baby - By Krzysztof Komeda
with special guest writer JASON COMERFORD
Last posting for the Halloween season from Howlin' Wolf, but it doesn't have to end... this last installment brings the mother-load of prizes. Don't take my word for it, go look for yourselves... they specialize in horror music and that is a good thing! So get over there right now!.. Go!
Just Around the Corner...
What will you be doing on Halloween?
Comment / Contest - HWR - Halloween III: Season of the Witch By John Carpenter & Alan Howarth
with special guest writer JASON COMERFORD
AMC's The Walking Dead...
Comment / Contest - HWR - "Trick 'r Treat" by Douglas Pipes
with special guest writer JASON COMERFORD
Part 11: "Trick 'r Treat" by Douglas Pipes
This Week For: October 24th to 30th [2010]
Let everyone know what you are doing this week
02. New Members please post your "Site" here, we will update as soon as we can [you still can email us too].
03. Be Respectful and Kind to all members.
04. Members please respond to post made by other members, let them know you care.
05. Have fun and if you have any questions, please ask.
Thought Of The Day: Scream IV...
What are you first thoughts on the soon to be released "Scream 4"..
Is it going to not fit in to what modern horror films are?
Is it going to suck or rock?
Who is going to die this time?
Will Randy be there?
Wes Craven's films D.O.A.?
So this can be answered in many ways...
The HBA Takes A Stab At: Paranormal Activity 2!

Another week and another film for the HBA to take a stab at, and this time it comes in the form of Paranormal Activity 2, the sequel to the mega successful surprise hit of last year. I think most horror fans shared a collective sigh when they heard that there would be a sequel to Paranormal Activity, let alone a sequel that would be rushed into theaters less than a year later, but the reviews I have glanced over have been surprisingly very good. However, it is not the opinion of mainstream websites and news sources that I trust nearly as much as the one of my fellow horror fans, the ones that don't get paid for their opinions but do it out of passion. So carry forth my dear HABer, stab away and let us know YOUR verdict (by leaving a link to your review in the comments section below, naturally)!
Dinner With Max Jenke: Paranormal Activity 2
Horro's Gory Reviews: Reviews to die for!!!: PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 2 REVIEW
Cyberschizoid: PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 2 - Is It As Good The Second Time Around?
Im a Strange Kid!
I feel very honored to be letting you all know that I have just been interviewed by the
Strange Kids Club. For those of you who are not familiar with the Strange Kids Club it is a world filled will everything that made your childhood worth living, and is brought back to life as vivid as you remember it. I want to thank Ron for this wonderful opportunity to bring a little piece of me out to those who may not have had the chance to see it. Please hop over to the Strange Kids Club and meet up with your childhood, and check out my interview while your there.
Later days,
- - - All original artwork on this blog (c) Chris Zenga. This artwork is under a Creative Commons Licence. See The Day After for details.

Comment / Contest - HWR - SUSPIRIA (1977) by Goblin
Part 8 is here and it's the Dario Argento’s directorial-style in his 1977 classic Suspiria...
This Week For: October 17th to 23rd [2010]
Let everyone know what you are doing this week

Hey boys and ghouls,
If you would like to win this "original" piece of art, head over to KinderScares for all the details. I don't normally have original work available for purchase or prizes so take the opportunity to bring a bit of me home!
Later days,
- - - All original artwork on this blog (c) Chris Zenga. This artwork is under a Creative Commons Licence. See The Day After for details.

Comment and Contest - presented by: Howlin Wolf Records
Random Question of the Day

Last year we saw the surprising dethroning of one of the most popular horror franchises of all time, Saw, by the underdog indie horror flick, Paranormal Activity. Now here we are, one year later, and while Saw moved its release date back by a week, the two biggest films of the Halloween season are meeting once again in what is almost a head to head mach up.
My question has nothing to do with which do you think will do better in the box office, but which film you are all more excited to see? The latest and possibly last film in a long lasting horror series with a three dimensional touch, or the sequel to the film that swept the nation last year, but also divide a lot of horror fans? Both is a fair answer too, but I am sure most of you will sway at least a little one way or the other. What say you HBA?!?! WHAT SAY YOU?!
This Week For: October 10th to 16th [2010]
Howlin Wolf Records - 13 Days of Chills...
Friends of the HBA please stop over and be part of "Howlin' Wolf Records 13 Days of Chills" posting and be entered in a really cool contest and be able to win some great items... They are up to Installment #4, which will run until midnight on Sunday, October 10. Enough of me telling you to go there, find out for yourselves... tell them you are from the HBA and we support them!
BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN - Franz Waxman [HWR Special Series]
The film follows on immediately from the events of the first film, and is rooted in a subplot of the original novel, Frankenstein (1818). In the film, a chastened Henry Frankenstein abandons his plans to create life, only to be tempted and finally coerced by the Monster, encouraged by Henry's old mentor Dr. Pretorius, into constructing a mate for him.
Preparation began shortly after the first film premiered, but script problems delayed the project. Principal photography started in January 1935, with creative personnel from the original returning in front of and behind the camera. Bride of Frankenstein was released to critical and popular acclaim, although it encountered difficulties with some state and national censorship boards. Since its release the film's reputation has grown, and it is hailed as Whale's masterpiece. On several occasions, Universal Pictures has sought to remake the film.
The HBA Spits On: My Soul to Take While Being Buried!
The second weekend in October brings us even more horror for the HBA to take a stab at, and the first film on slate is Wes Craven's latest, My Soul to Take. The whole 3D thing is a bit of a turn off, but Craven has a way of sticking around for a very long time so maybe he cane keep with tradition with this one. I really look forward to people's thoughts on this film.
Dinner With Max Jenke: My Soul Train Wreck To Take
Being Buried alive is a tough situation for sure (well, not that I actually know, but bear with me here) but not nearly as tough as making a film in one setting can be. Does Ryan Reynolds have what it takes to have an entire film rest on his shoulders, and can Buried stay interesting enough for a feature length runtime? I look to you, dear HBAer, to let us all know the truth.
Last up we have the second unrated release in as many weeks and a lot has happened since the release and eventual removal of Hatchet 2 from theaters. I gotta wonder how things will pan out for the I Spit On Your Grave remake as it is still slated to be released in a few select AMC theaters, so if you are lucky enough to have it playing near you, please, let us all know your thoughts!
This Week For: October 3rd to 9th [2010]
The HBA Takes A Hatchet to: Case 39 & Let Me In!
One of the most talked about horror films of the year has been the pseudo-remake of Let Me In, with many lashing out at the prospect of a basterdized cash-in of the beloved Swedish vampire film. However, with a handful of great clips and trailers, the film has started to turn the negative hate into positive hope that this might be a pretty good film. We'll see what you all have to say about it.
Dinner With Max Jenke: Shadow Of The Vampire
Horro's Gory Reviews: Reviews to die for!!!: LET ME IN REVIEW
Cinema Somnambulist: Let Me In
Cyberschizoid: HAMMER HAS RISEN FROM THE GRAVE - Let Me In Review
Another film that is making its way into theaters this weekend is Case 39, a movie that I would never even remotely care about personally, which is only cemented by the presence of Renee Zellweger. Still, as much as I don't want to care about this film, director Christian Alvart made a fantastic little sci-fi/horror gem with 2009's Pandorum, and I have heard great things about his previous film Antibodies, so I cannot simply brush this film off all that easy. I'll be very curious to read what the HBAers have to say about this one.
Terror Titans: 'Case 39' is good but predictable horror film
Dinner With Max Jenke: A Case You Hadn't Noticed
Horro's Gory Reviews: Reviews to die for!!! CASE 39 REVIEW
Dr Blood's Video Vault: Case 39 (2009)
Last but certainly not least is Hatchet 2, which, due to its lack of rating, is only playing in AMC theaters. Adam Green has gone against the grain, and the MPAA, by keeping his movie as bloody as he intended, thus, keeping it out of a ton of theaters, so I really hope that people that have the chance to see this one do, just based on principal. It's kind of a big deal.
Mike and Chuck's Blog of the Dead: Mini Review: Hatchet II
365 Horror Movie: Hatchet II
The Horror Effect: Hatchet II (2010): Citizen Kane Hodder
You know the drill…do a write up for either Let Me In, Case 39 or Hatchet 2 and you can post a link to the review in the comments section so we can add it here for all the HBA to see.
Have fun at the movies!
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