Just Around the Corner...

[Steal This Art]
HAPPY FRIDAY EVERYONE...guess what is just around the corner...
What will you be doing on Halloween?


Mr. Gable said...

I will be watching horror movies all day. This years theme is...killer babies! I'll be blogging throughout the day as I watch them.


-Lou said...

Horror movies starting in the morning, three hour break for the Redskins game in the afternoon, then back to horror movies, then AMC's "The Walking Dead" (at the suggestion of Autumnforest of Ghost Hunting Theories), all while working the front door (sadly, we typically average less than 8 knocks on the door per year).

Andy said...

The Mrs. and I will be throwing a big party for our kids and friends. Gonna have a blast!

Spooky Sean said...

Partying as a hot dog!

Anonymous said...

i watch horror but not so.its so scary..waaaaaaaaaaaaaa..
Haye vs Harrison