Love origin stories?
Just a quick update. Beginning next week on here and over on Instagram,
I’ll be posting the origin story of each ghastly tale in my collection,
Corpse Road...
19 hours ago
Vanguard (China, 2020)
Jackie, Jackie, Jackie! How low can you go? Okay, you were a relatively
wrinkle-free 66 when you made this, so even if you aren't the one who does
the mai...
2 days ago
New editing gig: SAMHAIN SCREAMS!
Some exciting news! I’ve joined forces with Black Beacon Books and and
co-editor and publisher Cameron Trost to put together an anthology of new
original f...
2 weeks ago
Flight Risk: A Disaster Movie, but Not the Good Kind Like You Want
Written by: Jared Rosenberg
Directed by: the award-winning director of *Braveheart*, *Apocalypto*, and *Hacksaw
Starring: Marky Mark, Michelle D...
2 weeks ago
Frankenstein meets Elizabeth Bathory: I Vampiri
* [image: Poster - I Vampiri (1957)]Now Playing: **I Vampiri *(aka *The
Vampires*, aka *Lust of the Vampire*, 1957)
*Pros:* Great production design, cine...
3 weeks ago
Horror Entertainment Watched and Read in 2024
(Ratings 1/2* to *****)
#AMFAD: All My Friends Are Dead (2024) *1/2
3 Days Of A Blind Woman (1993) **1/2
The 8th Night (2021) ***
13 Score (2014) *...
1 month ago
The Sixteenth Annual Westies - review of the year 2024
And so 2024 draws to a close. It's been another up-and-down year for me,
what with moving house (nice big study!), breaking my hand just after we
moved i...
1 month ago
Spaceship Terror...a B-flick on Steroids
Spaceship Terror on Tubi TV
Let’s be blunt, not all indie flicks are well thought out and filmed even
worse, but with Spaceship Terror, it was quite ap...
5 years ago
Father's Day
Hey again.
Father’s Day. That time of year when we all run out and buy the old feller
a random card with some amusing comment about age or being cool on t...
5 years ago
Folklore in Horror
So hey! Interested in being part of an academic study on the role of
folklore in horror? (You know you are!) I’m working on a new project about
this, and I...
5 years ago
Christmas Gifts for the Horror Lover
Horror is a billion-dollar industry, so I like to devote a post each year
to Christmas gift suggestions that won't cost a (severed) arm and leg. Here
6 years ago
HORROR HUDDLE w/ Stacey-Beth & Ash: CANDYMAN (1992) movie review
I heard that if you say its name 5 times in a mirror, it'll finally appear
after a very long hiatus...
Oh my goodness, y'all- *HORROR HUDDLE* is back!
6 years ago
3 Times The Walking Dead messed up a chance to make the show better
With Rick Grimes leaving The Walking Dead is huge shoes to fill There's no
doubt that the writing and character development on the hit show hasn't
been ...
6 years ago
Nightmare Fuel
[Visit the new website - www.thehorrorgrove.com] [WP] The job of a mattress
is to soak up all the nightmares a person has and keep them locked away.
The lo...
7 years ago
Wyrmwood: Road Of The Dead (2014)
28 Days Later, Mad Max, Bad Taste, The Paul Hogan Show, The 'A' Team and
everyone's favourite book of the bible. Hilarious, bloody and ingenious.
An OckZ...
7 years ago
Tom H's Blog of Horror Top Films of 2016!!
The following list is my top ten films that I reviewed or watched in 2016!
This is truly the best of the best!!!
10- Southbound (2016) by Roxanne Benjamin...
8 years ago
Director: David Hartman
85 minutes
United States
After 18 long years, the world finally has its next and final Phantasm
8 years ago
Essay: Why I like living in a small town
7B English
Mrs. Galligan
I love small town life. I know it’s not for everybody, but I think it’s the
best thing ever and I wouldn’t want to live anywhere...
8 years ago
42nd Street Forever: Blu-ray Edition (Synapse Films, Blu-ray, 2012)
A série de DVDs da Synapse Films, “42nd Street Forever” tem tido imensa
procura pelos fanáticos de cinema exploitation e grindhouse dos 70s. Depois
de vár...
8 years ago
"Goodnight Mommy" by Olga Neuwirth
The Austrian horror film "Goodnight Mommy" is disturbing, slow, moody, and
beautifully shot and Olga Neuwirth's dense, atmospheric score underscores
9 years ago
COMICS SUCK! - Adventure Comics #439 (June 1975)
*40 YEARS AGO - April 1975*
"The Voice That Doomed ... The Spectre"
By Michael Fleisher (w); Jim Aparo (a, l) & Joe Orla...
9 years ago
Tusk, il Kevin Smith che non t'aspetti!
Ieri ho finalmente colmato una lacuna che mi portavo dietro da troppo
tempo, visionando l'ultima fatica del goliardico e camaleontico Kevin
Smith. Se gi...
9 years ago
The Northwest Horror Show!!!
It wasn’t that long ago that i wrote about the Authentic feel of Grindhouse
cinema being largely
9 years ago
*Move to Transylvania.*
Joke! Frankly, it is asking a lot–you’ll have to learn Rumanian and put up
with bad, European winters. But you can always visit V...
9 years ago
Epilog – Zeichnung #18
A lot of time has passed since those days. Dr. Brillenschnitzel and Madame
Zeweçkasul developed a deep relationship while exploring …
Continue reading →
10 years ago
Highlights from my adventures on the haunted SS Lane Victory
So, I finally got the footage edited and put it all together, along with
some EVP's and photos from the investigation this past Saturday. What an
10 years ago
Bones of Brittany has Gone Fishin’ (or, For Those Who Don’t like Fishing–a
Long Hiatus)
Hello there, fantastic followers! I know that I haven’t been updating my
content recently, but that’s because I have some exciting news to share! I
have be...
10 years ago
FOR ALL FUTURE POSTS GO TO http://www.pauldeblassieiii.com
10 years ago
One Sentence Review Sunday #14
Insidious: Chapter 2 (2013)
I literally levitated out of my seat in fright.
Hasta Luego
11 years ago
“What did you expect? A Holiday Inn?”- Mountaintop Motel Massacre
The title card assures us that Evelyn is certifiable. In the first scene,
we see her gardening with a sickle. And guinea pig blood. Meanwhile,
Evelyn’s d...
11 years ago
Getting back to real Horror: an interview with Jonathan Chance
"Something Like A Phenomenon" An Interview with Jonathan Chance by
Anyone who has been following the surge in popularity of independently ...
11 years ago
Hi everybody. Johnny Zombie here.
First off, September starts with something a little different...
1. Astrobiology--the possibility of alien life. I use a very peculiar, but well known, model.
2. Jack the Ripper--what we really know vs. myth.
3. The Myth of Ghosts--why it's highly unlikely that they exist
4. Twenty-thirty--Twenty Years of the Internet, and thirty years of MTV. What has changed in that time?
All this, and more, on...
Second, in addition to my podcast Nightmare Fuel, I now have a companion blog/show about sci-fi and astronomy, called Plastic Spacemen. Which can be found at http://plasticspacemen.blogspot.com
HI all!
I'm finally recovering from my laptop dying last month. Although I have slowed down to only weekly posts for the time being.
Several new pieces this month on Zombiebites involving a new creative process. Starting the month with The House that Fear Built, and following with Cthulhu, The Lord of the Forest, and The General of Bones.
Drop by and let me know what you think.
Hi all! Just joined and am really excited to be a part. Got some local events if anyone is in the Florida area this month.
I am helping promote a local haunted house build:
And am throwing a big party for it:
Looking forward to hearing from fellow horror buffs and branching out from just local!
Greetings zombie hunters & survivalists. Find out why a portable hammock will suit scouting missions during the zombie apocalypse. Featured is my review on a product from Cradle's.
Stay vigilant!
Spooky Sean has a review up for Don't Be Afraid of the Dark, and a Random-Ass Interview with Adam Barnick, the man behind the upcoming documentary entitled "What is Scary?"
Enjoy my lovelies.
Just wanted to give you all a heads up about my Octoberween-Palooza-Ganza!
The mayhem will be unleashed throughout the entire month of October! Wooo!
The Moon is a Dead World is looking for fifteen bloggers to review one movie for the blog for the month of October. It's called The Halloween Fifteen, and you can find more information here:
Michael S. Hart, inventor of the e-book and founder of Project Gutenberg passed away on September 6. I'm donating all my earnings on the e-book horror anthology "From Dark Corners" on sales made from now to Step. 21. For more information, see this announcement at "Terror Titans":
Terror Titans: Donating to Project Gutenberg in honor of Michael S. Hart
(And if you can spread the word, I'd appreciate it. I'd love to donate more than $2.50. :) )
Jeffrey Macabre will officially be stepping out from Behind The Closet Door to appear at the big celebrity bash for the Burbank International Film Festival. Pictures and video soon to come. And I will be bringing some ghoul friends with me.
Jess Franco's The Rites of Frankenstein At the Mansion of Madness: http://atthemansionofmadness.blogspot.com/2011/09/jess-francos-rites-of-frankenstein-1972.html
Sure, you've got a bug-out-bag, but did you know that bugging out at the wrong time could be one of the worst things to do during a global zombie outbreak?
Find out how Rainwater Harvesting could improve the odds of your survivial.
Stay vigilant!
This week on Basement Screams I review The Exterminator and ramble about some other stuff. Come on by, leave a comment - basementscreams.wordpress.com
Two words, goth sharks.
Reviews for the short film The Window Into Time and Bleach Jigoku Hen are now up over at In The Mouth Of Madness. Stop on by, and comments are always welcome!
Blogger Zombie Walk feature for At the Mansion of Madness, Burial Ground (1980) http://atthemansionofmadness.blogspot.com/2011/09/blogger-zombie-walk-feature-burial.html
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