Is Dario Argento overrated?
Yes - James
No - T.L. Bugg
Is Dario Argento overrated?
No - Alec
Is "Torture Porn" a derogatory term?
Yes - Matt
No - Zach S.
Is Wes Craven a hack that got lucky?
Yes - Carl
No - Rhonny
Are remakes ruining Horror?
Yes - Elwood
No - Highly Caffeinated
Is pirating/bootlegging killing Horror?
Yes - Venoms5
No - Becky
Anyone interested in signing up for any of the remaining slots, shoot in a comment quickly to snag your place! If you have already been assigned a partner, get writing and send in your submissions to and we will begin posting the results shortly!
Im going to wait til Tues night before signing up incase anyone missed the registration over the weekend =D
I can't wait to see what comes of this!
How do you participate, Carl? Sorry to sound ignorant, but do I click the 'Vote it Up' icon and type in yes, or no for these questions?
Nevermind, I think I found my answer a few posts down, lol.
I will step into the ring and battle for the honor of torture porn.
Lemme know if I got a shot at the title.
Sure thing V choose an open topic and I will get your place saved! Zach I have you down for "No, Torture Porn is not a derogatory term." Thanks guys!
So Mr. Kotter, when's this stuff, like due?
*I gotta work on my Barbarino.
How do I submit once I finish?
Put me down for one of each if possible. NO for Argento, YES for Torture Porn, NO for Craven, YES for remakes and NO for pirating. That one could go either way, really, depending on whether or not said film is available at all.
Zack, you can just email it to when it's all said and done. No super rush, I plan on doing my half sometime this week, but I have a rippin' sinus infection and may die at some point, in that case, I may need longer!
This is a great idea.
I'll wait until the next round...good topics btw
Hey V we can put you down for each of those immediately but I wanted to check back first and see if you wanted to grab any of the open slots first for this round to complete one or more of the pairs? We can run multiple debates on each topic, I just want to be sure to be able to find a partner for everyone but let me know!
You can put me down for YES on the pirating entry. I can go either way on that one, but the argument is valid when it comes to niche titles. Far less so with newer films backed by big studio labels.
Zach, do it good! Torture Porn is not derogatory!
Cool man got you locked in, Oducer plenty of spots left, get in on this action!
Matt I hope you feel better. Cure it the way I do; drown it in whiskey. That's my own form of universal health care.
Oducer shall be my battle cry.
Ahhh very cool. I'll have to start writing. Glad to be paired up with Venom, who's opinions I always respect.
I'll get going as soon as I can.
That's very nice of you, Becky. The feeling is mutual. I am almost done with mine, I'm in the middle of cooking supper at the moment. Will send it over later this evening.
I just finished mine. I'm about to send it over now. :)
Sending mine over as well.
Ha ha, Zach, we have similar views on medicines!
I was away this past weekend so I missed the signing up process for this, but i'm looking forward to getting in on the next round of debates!
So do I still lack a 'sparring partner' for mine? I'll get to writing it as soon as I know I have someone to go against.
So far it seems so, but maybe Johnny, Venoms, or Jaded will take you up on it! If not I will throw down once I finish the Craven debate
I'm gonna have to pass on the Argento debate. While I do feel he is a bit overrated based on the few films i've seen from him, I really don't feel that i've seen enough of his work to truly debate that point.
matt, hope you're all better. just emailed mine out...
I'm good, thanks! Mines all done and ready to rock, we'll put them up early this week! Can't wait to read what you wrote!
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