Welcome to the Horror Blogger Alliance!!

Welcome to the Horror Blogger Alliance, a site dedicated to the individuals that pour their tireless effort, heart, and soul in to writing about the genre they love: Horror. It is always important to recognize the hard work that every person contributes to the online blogging community, and every single person deserves the right to be read. As such, this Alliance is an open-admission organization that will hopefully be used to promote new and existing blogs and bloggers, and help introduce the community to a wide variety of different talents! What does it take to join? Nothing! Who decides if you are a member? You. If you are interested in joining, join. You are free to use any of the banners and icons provided on the site to promote yourself as an official Horror Blogger Alliance member. We also welcome everyone to submit introductions to any of our team members to be included as a new blog post on the site so that other bloggers will be aware of your online presence. All new members will be linked to on the right hand side of the screen, and we welcome any banner ads! We also recommend visiting all of the HBA members' individual blogs and following them to continue to help build lasting friendships and community.

That being said, welcome to the site, and we look forward to meeting each and every one of you!


Wings1295 said...

Glad to be here, and hope my site can be among the greats already listed!

Alec Pridgen said...

I'm all aboard with the Alliance idea, so sign me up if you want. I'll put the banner up in a little bit.

I Like Horror Movies said...

Ive totally been spelling your name with an x, got you added Alec!

Cory said...

Sign me up as well please!

Alec Pridgen said...

It's alright, Carl. If I did not get over people thinking my name was 'Alex' by then, I would have gone insane and shot up a post office or something. It's cool. :-)

I Like Horror Movies said...

I'll go with "Uh, the "C" is next to the "X" and it was a total typo.. all.. 30 times.. =D

Te* (Slasher Film Sanctuary) said...

Sign Me Up Carl. I'd be honored to be part of the Horror Blogger Alliance! :)

I Like Horror Movies said...

Blogged on and good to go, thanks for joining Ter!

Unknown said...

This is such a cool idea!

I'd love to be added - my blog is http://cyberschizoid.blogspot.com/

Check it out!

I Like Horror Movies said...

Got you added up, thanks for joining C!

James C. Sugrue said...

Very interesting. Sign us up, www.fotd-online.com.

Mark Hodgson said...

I'm honoured to join the hallowed ranks of the undead...

Sign me up!

Mark Hodgson
Black Hole DVD Reviews

I Like Horror Movies said...

Mark you are now active, thanks for joining!

Lee Vervoort said...

I'm out for the weekend to do some promotion, but sign me up, I want to be involved!

I Like Horror Movies said...

You are live Lee, thanks for joining!

Professor Brian O'Blivion said...

Thank you for letting me join.

James said...

This is a legion I'd be honored to be a part of
Sign me up too!

42nd Street Cinema

I Like Horror Movies said...

You are active James, thanks for joining!

Anonymous said...

i love HBA :)


ratatouille's archives said...

Hi! Horror Blog Alliance,
Once again, thanks for adding my blog to your roll of honour...Yikes! horror, but if it's no problem I would like to know if you can please change my blog name from...Who Is Tim Burton? to Who Is Afraid of Tim Burton?
I'am so sorry about the inconvenient...
DeeDee ;-D

I Like Horror Movies said...

Got it all up to date, sorry for the typo but you are all set DeeDee!

Will Errickson said...

It's reat to have so many horror-related blogs in one place!

Anonymous said...

Great idea. Just started my own Hammer blog so it'd be great to join.

Max the drunken severed head said...

Pleased to join the party here! Now point me to the spiked punch-- with real spikes...

I Like Horror Movies said...

A big welcome Max, thanks for joining!

occhio sulle espressioni said...

Hello, I put your banner on my blog, I'd like to join the community!

Vegetarian Cannibal said...

I love the horror blogger alliance! So many good blogs to choose from here! :D

Micah1003 said...

I am so glad I found this place. I can see myself following lots of these blogs. I am in the midst of reviewing 365 horror films, one each day.

My site is http://365horrormovie.com/

Jack Veasey said...

I'm delighted to find you guys. I started following before I started my horror blog, and I'm hoping my brand new horror blog -- "Lavender Lair Of Horror" -- can get listed in spite of this screw up. I just stopped following, then started again, in hopes of correcting things. As Chantal Contours says to David Hemmings in "Thirst," "Please make me one of you!"

Anonymous said...

HBA is the ultimate horror site hub. Fantastic networking among members. I am quite pleased to have discovered you. Keep up the great work.

Brandon Sites said...

Hey there. This is Brandon Sites from bigdaddyhorrorreviews.com. Signed up earlier this week. Just to let you know, I am having a giveaway on my site of Tony this Tuesday at 7PM Eastern time for US residents with more giveaways to come in the future. Just also had a retrospective and interview with genre director Katt Shea (Stripped to Kill 1 & 2, Dance of the Damned, The Rage: Carrie II) who is one of my faves! My site is only 2 months old and 2 weeks, but already have about 450 reviews, 3 interviews to date, trailers, DVD street dates, and much more! Thanks guys. Appreciate it.

Thrill Fiction said...

I started following a few minutes ago and I'm writing my intro email in the midst of this.

My blog is Thrill Fiction - words without fear. It is my intention to be the newest member of the Horror Blog Alliance.

A Sound Mind said...

This is a great blog! I've been following for a few days and I have a back link posted on my blog A Sound Mind.


Alex DeLarge said...

I usually write reviews on classic films from Auteurs such as Antonioni & Godard, but have a clotted place in my heart for Hammer films. I just started a second blog called HAMMER & THONGS and am proud to add your banner! I'll visit the other blogs and hopefully make many new friends:)


Angelica Hill said...


This is almost like a candy land of horror :).. so many great horror blogs to visit! I am a horror writer currently one of the writers working on the Dead On Earth project as well as my first novel. I joined a while back, but I do not see my blog on the list. :(...

Matt-suzaka said...

You're all set and welcome aboard!

Craig Mullins said...


Would like to take this time to thank you for adding my blogs (Unfilmable Films and Re-Animated States of America) to your amazing list! I have two more blogs (Unfilmable.com and The Gunner Agency) that I would love to have included if you're interested. Unfilmable.com is my main blog and has been around for years...




Craig Mullins said...

Unfilmable.com is my blog (it used to be a website years ago) that focuses on films based on the writings of H.P. Lovecraft. I also cover games, comics and books...

The Gunner Agency is a short fiction and artwork blog that follows Paranormal Investigator Trent Gunner as he battles monsters and more around the world...

Thanks for your time!


Matt-suzaka said...

All set Craig...added both blogs to the roster.

Craig Mullins said...

Thank you Matt!

Chris Regan said...


My blog is here:


I'm working on a short horror film at the moment and am posting a weekly diary on my blog.



Spooky Sean said...

Spooky Sean, and here is my blog.

Spooky Sean's Blog

abdul alhazred said...

Greetings, nice to be here. Please make yourself at home:

Unknown said...

I am very glad to be here..I hope I can join the team..I blog about horror flick, you can visit my blog at http://bugabooflick.blogspot.com/

Doctor_Cyclops said...

Great idea. United we stand.

Here's my fledgling blog (just starting out)