Origin Stories continued: 13/15, A Safe Place
Back in 2007, twenty-year-old Sophie Lancaster and her boyfriend were
brutally beaten on the streets of Britain. Sophie later died of her
injuries. They we...
16 hours ago
Good question, though I have not met any horror celebrities, but... who I'd like to meet, Bruce Campbell.
I met Eli Roth at the NY premier of Hostel 2. IN all honesty, there was so much commotion and he was so inundated with fans and press afterwards that the entire experience was stagnant.
Really? Bummed to hear that about Tom actually. I interviewed a kid on my blog not too long ago that's directing his first horror film and is attending the Tom Savini school of effects. Although he said he was a really awesome guy, he might not be biting the hand that feeds him.
Yeah and I am not the only one who has had less than positive run ins with Savini either. Maybe I'll post about it sooner than later...I as going to do a celebrity encounters things with a few of my positive and negative celeb meetings. Though, I think the only bad encounter was Savini. It's a devastating story in context of my fandom for him!
Too many to list.. OH WAIT, BAM:
Ask me about anyone and I can tell you a tale. Least favorite: Ken Foree, a complete diva and completely unappreciative of his fans. Most sincere: William Ragsdale and Carl Yorke from Cannibal Holocaust (I know, how random!).
made a ham wrap for Jessica Biel when she came into my cafe when they were in town shooting Stealth. Way hotter on screen than in person.
i have a list, i have a list... and photos... but that might reveal my true identity. carl you have many names of people... i will have to post some on my place... but the two coolest people i talked with were "stan lee" and "spanky mcfarland" from the little rascals... they are not horror, but were awesome...
@matt, savini, was like he was to cool to be there and how dare any of us talk with him. yet he had no problem charging me 10 bucks for an autograph/picture.
@highly caf, biel is pretty, but what a pac-man face...
bruce campbell is awesome... cocky, but that is him... not like savini... who is a co%k.
Stan Lee is awesome, I met him after Spider-Man was released and told him he was amazing, and he just smiled and said "I know" in a modest reply =D
I have met Clive Barker at least a dozen times (I am a bit of a stalker) and he is always generous with his fans, last time I met him he remembered my name!!! Made me life :D ....or, maybe, now that I think about it, he was making sure he had the right name for the restraining order :D Bruce Campbell is always fun to met and asks interesting questions to his fans. I think he is the first celebrity I have met that asked me what I did for a living...and actually talked to me about it. Very interesting guy.
Linda Blair was a f-in bitch at Texas Frightmare Weekend 2009, and I walked away with no autographs and 50 bucks back in my pocket. Tom Savini just reeks of arrogance and was a dick during his panel at TFW 2008, and Lloyd Kaufmann (although a little peeved) poked fun at it since his panel was shortened to accommodate Tom's.
Best celebrity appearance was Lamberto Bava, Ruggero Deodato, and Sergio Stivaletti at Fangoria's Weekend of Horrors in Chicago 2009.
I've met Charles Band (who was charming and accomodating, though a little sleazy) and Greg Lamberson, director of SLIME CITY and it's sequel, SLIME CITY MASSACRE (who was, in all honesty, one of the most gracious, pleasant, and thoughtful people I've ever met).
I have high hopes for encountering Bruce Abbott at Monster Mania XIV in two weeks.
Clive really is one of the most endearing humans I have ever met!
The most famous celebrity I met was John Carpenter. He was really nice. It was a one-on-one meeting luckily, so I'm not sure if he would have been so receptive if it had been at a convention or he had been surrounded by fans. He signed a copy of Halloween and a copy of The Thing, as well took a picture. I also met Ellie Cornell (Rachel from H4 and H5) and she was so sweet. She was acting in a student horror film (for free) and I visited the set to get pics and an autograph.
Outside of the horror field, I've met Maynard from Tool. He didn't really say much, but gave me a fist bump...so that's pretty cool. At Sundance, I met Steve Buscemi and Roger Ebert. Buscemi was awkward, but polite. Ebert was super cool, and he fell asleep during the movie we were watching. Haha. Months later I would see his name on the cover of the DVD case, saying something great about the film.
Uhhhh, I'm sure there's a few more, but I can't think of them right now.
A few years ago I drove to the Fangoria fest in NJ to meet John Landis. I absolutely adore the man. Not just for American Werewolf in London, but for the string of comedies he produced in the 70's and 80's.
i had brought my copy of Animal House for him to sign and I left it in the car. I told him the reason I brought it was the film was our impetus for throwing a massive 4th of July toga party and that was the 1st time my then-gf/now wife met all my friends-wearing a bedsheet. He laughed and called me a dope for leaving the dvd in the car and was just a genial, awesome dude. People were bringing AWiL figurines and models he'd never seen and he loved them, he was gushing over the stuff people were bringing. He couldn't have been a better dude.
I met horror actress Caroline Munro twice over the years (both times purely by accident!) and she was lovely. So friendly and kind. She stood around and chatted to me for ages and even introduced me briefly to her daughters.
I also met Ingrid Pitt last year and she seemed to be completely barmy - or drunk. I'm not sure which. She was still pleasant enough though and I'm very glad to have met her.
Love the John Landis story; AH is one of my favorite comedies as well.
Have to agree about Clive Barker--smashing guy. Met him several times at Fangoria NYC conventions back in the early '90s & he was charming, patient and gracious. Terrific speaker as well.
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