Origin Stories continued: 13/15, A Safe Place
Back in 2007, twenty-year-old Sophie Lancaster and her boyfriend were
brutally beaten on the streets of Britain. Sophie later died of her
injuries. They we...
16 hours ago
When I was pre-school age, my mother hung a picture of geese near my bed. She told me that if I got out of bed, those geese would come out of the picture and get me. If the geese didn’t get me, the “night snakes” under my bed would. To make it worse, I had to sleep with the door closed and the light off.
So in a round about way, yes, my mother not only supported my morbid curiosities, she seared them into me...
Nope, and they still don't! My mom's like, what, you still like that stuff? You still go to shows? Why are you covered in tons of tattoos? Where did I go wrong!
Even though it's totally her fault - I have that Halloween birfday and she always gave me costume parties with cool spider cakes and shit. It started the whole thang. And I totally blame her just to piss her off more. :)
they did not get it, they thought i might grow out of it... it's just a phase... but they were the ones letting me watch night gallery, twilight zone, night stalker, friday the 13th, etc. and for that i love them. did i grow out of it, no... my mind was formed, it is now warped...
My mom named me after a character on the original Drak Shadows, so there is your answer.
My mom is only just coming to the realization that this is a true passion and not some passing fad, so thuogh she doesnt support it in any way and hates it to death, she is at least becoming tolerant of my love for Horror. Still wont buy me any DVDs for Christmas though, but I dont buy clothes so its a symbiotic relationship
Absoutely, They took me to my first horror movies Halloween, Friday the 13th and The Fog when I was basically knee high. Plus, embraced my reading by not censoring my desire to read darker things such as Poe, Stephen King and Lovecraft.
That was in the 70s/early 80s though, when society was more open and less concerned with political correctness and censorship.
I suppose...my father is the one who kind of got me into horror, even though he's more of an action movie type of guy. He just has a sick sense of humor and laughs really hard at gore. My mom hates horror movies and hardly ever watches them with me, but she gets it I guess. My parents think it's "cute" and have more than encouraged it as something that makes me unique.
Yup, they did. I was not censored as a child, and I don't censor my boys unless it's outright porn or should be rated X. Thankfully, my parents were understanding of my horror fanaticism, even at 8 yrs old.:)
My mom helped get me here, she let my uncle show me horror films as a 3 year old, plus she always turned on horror films when they'd be on amc or usa.
I'm very grateful that my parents didn't care what I watched, put cable tv in my bedroom and because they never went to the movies, they were ok with me paying for PG/PG13 movie and sneaking into an R on just so they didn't have to buy my ticket for me. Good times
Um my parents are not horror movie fans. That said my dad used to freak me out as a kid with a story from Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark. But yeah, my parents put up with but don't endorse it.
When I was a kid, my parents would let me watch R comedies but not horror. This is the total opposite of the stereotypical American who allows their kids to view violent stuff but not nudity. But it made horror movies be in my mind the big "oh wow I can't wait to watch this crap" instead of having me sneak and watch Skinemax. Now I have my own kid and although I would let him watch horror, he doesn't like it.
Actually my parents didn't do any horror related...though my dad did take me to see Bloodsport and thus Van Damme entered my life.
My parents think it is strange and claim they don't know where it comes from, although some of my earliest memories are of seeing films like "The Hills have Eyes" and "Phantasm" at the Drive-in with them. They figured I would fall asleep. Guess what? I didn't.
I shall always remember... I was watching a "Hellraiser" in my room one night.
My dad came on in and queried what I was watching (it was during one of the sex scenes). "Not porn!" I said. "it's Hellraiser."
He looked quite disappointed in me, and shook his head. "I wish you had been watching porn," he said, then left.
So no, I don't think my folks 'get' my wee obsession. Although they did let me watch "Evil Dead" when I was far too young to see such things. Only themselves to blame...
My mom was a movie fan and I learned about old horror movies and their stars (as well as other genres) from her. In the '70s before I was old enough my parents went to see--as did *everyone*--movies like JAWS and ALIEN, and when I was a little older, I was allowed to watch them on cable. So my folks never had any problem with it and pretty much always treated me as an adult with my own tastes.
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