Let everyone know what you are doing this week
01. Include the link in the "comments" section and a brief description, this will get to the members.
02. New Members please post your "Site" here, we will update as soon as we can [you still can email us too].
03. Be Respectful and Kind to all members.
04. Members please respond to post made by other members, let them know you care.
05. Have fun and if you have any questions, please ask.
Once I have 50 followers, I am having a blog giveaway. A handmade Horror soft cloth doll.
Come and visit:)
nothing special. Will watch and review a couple of movies, f.e. 'Dark Country' & 'A Cat In The Brain'
greeetinngs, went to the chicago comic con and i posted some of the photos on my new site.
more to come...
Check out my review for Stuart Gordon's From Beyond (1986). I decided to review this one since it was H.P. Lovecraft's birthday this past August 20th. If you havent seen this gory masterpiece, its about time you check it out!
Heres a link to my review for it:
Go to the blog and check out a new special on legendary splatter film director Herschell Gordon Lewis!
Currently, on Zombie Popcorn you can enter a contest to win Dead Rising 2: Case Zero XBLA Code. We are giving away 10 codes so everyone has a chance to play the prequel to Dead Rising 2.
We are also giving away a free CD and t-shirt from Victory Records band, The Autumn Offering.
Serialized, fiction blog about a gay exorcist living in a midnight version of Manhattan.
"When things go bump in the night ... I'm the sissy who bumps them back."
Dandy Darkly
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