From somewhere within the vast darkness comes a sound. It echoes and hums. It reverberates and drones. It skitters. It haunts. Occulted by layers of emptiness, the dread sound coalesces into vague unsettling imagery. Out of the silence and stillness emerge stories of the night, tales of the abyss. Join me in this month's Dire Warnings as I further explore the realm of sound with the dark ambient music of the record label, Cryo Chamber.

As well as Atrium Carceri, Cryo Chamber hosts other amazing dark acts such as Sabled Sun, Halgrath, Sjellos, Aseptic Void, Dark Matter, Ugasanie. These are only a few. Drop by Cryo Chamber's Bandcamp page for a quick listen to their selections and visit their facebook page for further news and updates. If you enjoy lingering ambient darkness, check out Cryo Chamber. The abyss awaits.
Also in this month's Dire Warnings, I would like to begin recommending member blogs that are noteworthy. There are so many HBA members in the big list that it is hard to keep up with everyone. Each month, I'll try to point out an interesting member blog. This month's recommendation is John Michael Cozzoli's: From Zombos' Closet.
If you enjoy classic Horror and Sci-Fi, with its plethora of paraphernalia from old movie posters to toys and comics, From Zombos' Closet is the place to go. I found From Zombos' Closet easy to navigate and filled with a variety of interesting links and imagery. Don't take my word for it though, click the banner below and check out the goods! Be sure to check out this month's new members, and if you haven't dropped by the HBA facebook page yet, come by and give the HBA a like.
Good Night, HBA. Remember to keep your ears to the ground. The earworms can climb in more easily that way. You've been warned.

That's a great post :). I love Cryo Chamber and its brand of dark ambient, especially as a horror writer with interests in the occult and sinister. Great stuff ::)
Thanks Casey! Glad to hear you like Cryo Chamber! They have become permanent part of my dark playlist. :-)
Cryo Chamber News and Updates on Facebook.
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