Halloween is Coming!

Many of you are preparing for a full month of ghost and ghouls in honor of our favorite holiday "Halloween", so if you are planning to post the monstrous stuff.  Please let us know and if you don't follow the "Countdown to Halloween", you should look into it... Let the fun begin...
iZombie [HBA Staffer]


Jeremy [Retro] said...

i have planed a full month of printable art for whole month of October...


Mr. Gable said...

I will be counting down 31 of the greatest Charles Band movies! You know, that guy that runs Full Moon Features and who used to run Empire!


Charles Gramlich said...

I'm looking forward to it

Eddie said...

I'll try to contribute to the Halloween cause in my own odd way. Work schedule permitting, that is.

Franco Macabro said...

The Film Connoisseur will become The HORROR Film Connoisseur for the whole month of Halloween, Im going to be doing reviews for all sorts of horror films and articles that will always be horror related!

Check it out, the fun starts tomorrow! Oct 1st!

Daph said...

I have a Gothic doll giveaway and plan to giveaway some handmade zombie hands in October...MUHAHAHAHA

Matt-suzaka said...

I just posted a plug for this in the weekly thread yesterday, so I'll use the magic of copy and paste to share it where it is even more appropriate!!

Chucktober is less than a few days away over at Chuck Norris Ate My Baby. If you aren't aware, Chucktober is essentially the month long celebration of all things Halloween, and with that comes a focus on all horror throughout the month with a few fun surprises thrown in to the mix!

It may not be officially Chucktober as of yet, but the celebration has already begun, so make sure you drop by, because if you don't, you might die! Sorry, I got carries away there.


Strange Kid said...

I think I'm going to shake things up this year with a jack-o-lantern theme perhaps.

Not to mention contests, like the Ugly Americans: Season One giveaway currently running, a new logo design, a "new" mascot, and even supporting a good cause for Cancer Awareness!

cynniegurl said...

i will be posting fun stuff daily as my contribution to the 31 days of Halloween. make sure to visit my blog!


Bryce Wilson said...

31 Days Of Horror is ON at Things That Don't Suck.


Unknown said...

I am doing 31 days of stuff, mostly desktops of a spooky nature... starting with Lost Boys III...



ratatouille's archives said...

Hi! HBA...
I Plan To Take a look at 31 Classic Horror Films and the Memorabilia associated with these films the entire month of October.

Starting or kicking off the countdown with [Val] Lewton's 1942 film "Cat People" today!
DeeDee ;-D
Who Is Afraid Of Tim Burton? I'am

Shawn Robare said...

Totally forgot to add a HBA badge to the Countdown to Halloween site, but that has since been remedied!

Unknown said...

I'll be preparing for the yearly Halloween costume party here in our place anyway I found this website http://www.thatsmyface.com/f/masks that can create a super-realistic mask of anyone from just a photo. Imagine going as yourself, your boss, your favorite celebrity or worst enemy to a Halloween party?!

S. Williams said...

Not a ghost but a scarecrow so perfect for Halloween. http://theswollencorpse.blogspot.com/2010/10/rotted-soil.html