[HBA-MEMBERS] Please put all your upcoming events here...
Let everyone know what you are doing this week
01. Include the link in the "comments" section and a brief description, this will get to the members.
02. New Members please post your "Site" here, we will update as soon as we can [you still can email us too].
03. Be Respectful and Kind to all members.
04. Members please respond to post made by other members, let them know you care.
05. Have fun and if you have any questions, please ask.
New to the HBA, got 3 blogs...
Grindhouse and Mayhem http://grindhouseandmayhem.blogspot.com/ A journal of my still in progress comic book project.
Slash The Zombie http://slashthezombie.blogspot.com/ My art blog.
Cosmic Monsters Inc.
http://zombierust.blogspot.com/ Whatever catches my eye about films, music, comics etc.
Cheers HBA, keep up the good work!
awesome stuff!
Just posted another one of my skully, skeletal-type creations again if'n you wanna take a peek. Don't really have too much of a plan per se this week, just continuing on with my painting/color experimentations.
I just joined, and my site can be found at
Spooky Sean's Blog
I just posted a werewolf story, so if you're in the mood for a little horror tale, stop on by. Likewise, I have two other stories up, one about alien abduction, and the other about a sentient ceiling stain.
We still have the Kristen Lawrence CD giveaway going on at my blog and this Friday Month of Music continues with an interview with Horror Rock group, Calabrese.
Also don't forget to check out the pictures from my trip to Universal and todays Gaming with the Devil.
Wednesday we have another edition of the Costume critique, so we're staying pretty busy this week.
Hi, I just joined the HBA! My name is Scary Larry and I'm a horroraholic. I blog mostly about horror comics, horror babes, horror movies and horror news at Morbidementia.com.
Currently I just finished part 2 of my 10 part series reviewing each of the 10 Puppet Master movies, and part 3 will drop this week. I'd say its a labor of love, but love is such a strong word.
I see a lot of familiar names here, but waaaay more that I don't recognize yet, so its going to be fun getting familiar with everyone!
Hello! Been blogging for about a year on our Yard Haunt. Thanks for creating this community of like minded individuals. Awesome stuff!
Hi! Horror Alliance
I'am in the process of counting down 30 Films with CrAzY themes along with 29 fellow LAMBs members. (The Large Association Of Movie bloggers)...
...By the way, my review of Hitchcock's Psycho is upcoming on Thursday 09/16/2010...Here goes the link...
Who Is Afraid Of Tim Burton
The HBA said,"Members please respond to post made by other members, let them know you care..."
As far as I'am concerned the above quote is a common blogging etiquette.
Thanks, for letting me share my information here on your blog too!
DeeDee ;-D
really usefull post, and glad too see more members trying to get more members together.
I just sent an e-mail about this, but I may as well post a link here.
I'm currently hosting my first book giveaway on my blog. It's open to the U.S. and Canada, and there are five books to be won. (ends September 27th)
Check out an exclusive interview with the creator/writer/director/star of the first and so far only long running zombie television show based out of New York, Zombie Hunters: City of the Dead. Head over to Mike and Chuck's Blog of the Dead!
Quick update, Part 3 of my 10 part Puppet Master Marathon series that I mentioned above is finally published, you can find it at http://www.morbidementia.com/horror-movies/puppet-master-marathon-%E2%80%93-part-3.htm
Finally back blogging after a brief break to move house and currently working on a long delayed feature here on the HBA, but over on my own blog "From The Depths Of DVD Hell" I have just kicked off "The A-Z of Asian Cinema" a alphabetical trek through the genre, which really gave birth to my ongoing obsession with cult, foriegn and obsure cinema.
Kicking things off with A which in this alphabetical trek through the genre, stands for Takashi Miike's classic film "Audition".
I just joined the HBA.
Also check my recent post about "Sway" director Josh Vargas.
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