Things That Don't Suck will be kicking off a Christopher Nolan blogothon that will be running from July 11th through the 17th, and they are welcoming anyone with a love and passion for Nolan's films to stop by and participate by linking to their film reviews are articles devoted to the man, himself. We have included a banner below, but be sure to stop by the blogothon announcement HERE for more excellent banners and for additional information on the event:

Watching Hammer: The Hammer Films Review is now running a semi-regular 'Top Ten Tuesday' post, where an invited guest gets to name their top ten Hammer films and share why. The feature is not necessarily the 'best' films, but those which are personal favourites, for whatever reason.
Ted Newsom (of 'Flesh and Blood: The Hammer Heritage of Horror' and '100 Years of Horror' fame, amongst others) submitted the first piece, which anyone with an interest in Hammer should be sure to check out HERE!!
Thanks again and have a Horrorible weekend!
-The HBA
1 comment:
Thanks Guys! I owe you one.
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