First up, the groovy ghouls over at Bloodsprayer are in full swing with Italian Horror Week
Interviews, Reviews, Posters, and more Fulci zombie loving fetish than you can poke sombody else's finger at!!!
Check it out, and why not do an Italian Week review on your own blog, and post the link in the comments section of this post.
I know I will be...
Sarah from Scare Sarah is running a competition that's not for mugs. Well, it actually is...
Dont' just sit there, race on over to Scare Sarah!!! Entries close 22:00 GMT on the 10th July 2010. One winner will be picked at random. All entries consent to me publishing their first name or screen name on this site if they win. Open internationally. Fill your boots. Or the mug. If you win.
Slammed & Damned have just posted an interview with award-winning horror director Devi Snively.
You can check it out HERE.
The Big Daddy Horror Reviews Crew have a brand new series up and running.
Inspired by the Top Chef Masters finale, they are asking various people (an author, a blogger, a director, an actor, etc.) to sum up their horror journey with three questions:
-First horror memory
-Instance in which you choose to enter your horror related field
-Define your presence in horror today.
Up first is author Darryl Dawson Brown. Check it out HERE.
If you've got something you want to see featured here on the Horror Radar, please send us an e-mail with the details to horrorbloggeralliance@hotmail.co.uk .
1 comment:
Woah, so much going on in the horror blogging world!
Like the man says, come over to Scare Sarah and try winning my Shining mug!
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