Origin Stories continued: 13/15, A Safe Place
Back in 2007, twenty-year-old Sophie Lancaster and her boyfriend were
brutally beaten on the streets of Britain. Sophie later died of her
injuries. They we...
16 hours ago
This is an easy one. WAY TOO MANY.
Though there are some which i'm embarrassed about and therefore do not count. Like my DVD of the series Kindred the Embraced. Ewwwww what was I thinking. Remember kids there are real world consequences to drinking too much.
Never enough :)
Too Many to Count is my best answer as well.
I've not really counted, but it's at least 350. That will probably drop to about 200 the next time I decide it's time to clean out my office.
Ha, never enough is the correct answer! I have about 650 movies on DVD and I'd say about 450 of them are horror in my best guesstimation.
i probably have about 500 movies in my collection and about 300 or so are horror or horror related.
DVD: Well over 100
VHS: Maybe 20
I feel like a whore now, with 1600+ total and approx 1100 being my precious Horror DVDs.. I work hard to earn those $3 or less titles though!
Damn, Carl...let me borrow some movies dawg!!
And for some reason (like my lack of reading skills) I didn't count my VHS, which I have about 300 of. So total, my guess would be about 750 or so horror movies.
Sadly enough, I only have a little over one hundred, but money has been tight. I do know someone that needs to answer this question because he probably rivals Carl, hint hint The Mike (From Midnight With Love)! Sorry Mike, I had to call you out, haha.
I am but a shadow to Venoms5, he's rocking over 5,000 titles so it is between The Mike and V!
I'm not exactly in the same league as some of the others. I only have like 20 or 25 right now, but slowly building the collection.
About 115 or so. Roughly a third of my DVD collection.
Uhhh...few. I rip all of my DVDs and then give them away. Mine are all digital except for the rare collector's edition occasion, or just rare occasion.
So....digital horror movies = 1 750 gig External Hardrive full, plus 28 on my computer that have yet to be copied over. About....400 and something, probably. DVDs are 250+ that haven't been given to others.
I'm working on it daily, though so the number grows.
Eeep, I should have said the 250+ was also VHS tapes that can't be ripped. Sorry. Not all of those are DVDs. I own NO BlueRays.
Hi! HBA Members,
Yikes!...I can't say right now...being a novice or new to this genre...It's embarassing for now...Er...Hmmm...Let me just leave now...
DeeDee ;-D
Only about 75. Most of the stuff I review comes from Netflix.
If I like it a lot, I'll buy it though.
When I moved the collection from Chicago to Milwaukee in '08 and did the count, there were 5015 DVDs, of which I'd guess 2500+ were horror. I add about 5 discs a week, and throwing in the VHS, I'd say just under 3000 that are Horror.
It's a sickness, really...
Over 100. I would have way too many if I didn't go through anti hoarding moods, where I go through, and get rid of, things that don't rank at the high of my "I love it list".
Do duplicates count? Because I have about 10 different versions of Dawn of the Dead. It's like, "hey this version has 3 new seconds of film, I have to buy it."
Seriously though, about 400 DVDs of which 200 are probably horror and then I still have about 150 or so horror on VHS. And a couple of laserdiscs.
But of course =D
I really am not sure how many I have, especially since they span three formats..wait four because I have an Evil Dead 2 laser disc lol. I would say that I own approximately 300-400 horror films, and about 700 movies all together. That's a guess though.
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