Origin Stories continued: 13/15, A Safe Place
Back in 2007, twenty-year-old Sophie Lancaster and her boyfriend were
brutally beaten on the streets of Britain. Sophie later died of her
injuries. They we...
16 hours ago
Jaws without a doubt, and in a close second, Tourist Trap!
Haha. I like The Mike's Scream 2 quote. Nice.
Halloween, Paranormal Activity, Inside.
Hands down, the Exorcist
Seriously...It was the scariest and also had the biggest impact on society, for a "scary" movie.
People were frigging screaming, puking, and running out of the theaters. There had never been anything made like it.
I have to answer it as "scared," because every film loses its impact somewhat after the first viewing, when my mind starts trying to figure out what it was that worked me over, but the one that really holds up - and still bowls me over in its intensity and pacing - is the original Texas Chain Saw Massacre.
Hmmm....that's a good question. When a Stranger Calls(the original) is probably the one that made me afraid of being home alone for awhile.
Wow. This is a tough one.
The original "Halloween" still has the ability to make me feel unsettled and spooked. I guess that can count for scary.
The beginning portion of the original "When a Stranger Calls".
A LOT of "Black Christmas" - especially how insane 'Billy' is. No reason, just insanity. How do you deal with that?
It has to be "Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom" lol, that film makes me shudder to this day! John Carpenters Halloween still spooks me till this day, but as a kid I was terrified of "The Video Dead" which makes me laugh hysterically to this day. ;P
I'd have to go with The Exorcist. Anything to do with religion generally scares me.
But just watching this evil slowly creep into these peoples lives and torture them, was unnerving for me.
Especially growing up in a Christian home.
As a kid "The Video Dead" would be my pick too. I think every kid is scared of nasties coming to life and reaching through screens.
Truly the stuff of childhood nightmares.
For some reason, Candyman scared the bejesus out of me....
That, and A Beautiful Mind.
It has to be JAWS, if only because I still have nightmares occasionally about enormous malformed white sharks with gaping bloody mouths coming for me. Recently though I've been creeped out by BLAIR WITCH, [REC], and PARANORMAL ACTIVITY. Nighttime handy-cam footage really gets to me.
This is going to sound like total BS, but JAWS 4 has always scared the crap out of me, particularly the opening scene. Its a childhood thing, my dad rented it every weekend for us and I was sure until I was 12 that Jaws would swim out of the light in the deep end of the pool to kill me. Still have trouble swimming under water in the deep end!
That old lady demon that gets shotgunned in "House" used the freak the hell out of me when I was younger.
I don't know if scare is the right word... perhaps films I find "unnerving" is better. In that case, "Halloween"; "Don't Look Now" and the 1978 version of "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" never fail to creep me out.
Surprised that When a Stranger Calls got two mentions, but the beginning of the film really is frightening. I just wish I saw it when I was younger and before I knew the reveal.
Wings also mentioned Black Christmas and I must agree! Those phone calls genuinely creeped me out! So insane!
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