Whether it be a single film super special edition, or a beast of a box set, what is your single most prized DVD possession?
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16 hours ago
I'l' cheat and give my non-horror and horror answers.
For non-horror, I have to go with my Superman Ultimate Collector's Edition. It consists of 14 discs, has all of the films, as well as their respective directors cuts, CRAZY extras, and enough behind the scenes to keep me busy for two weeks.
For horror, I will have to go with that badass Alien Quadrilogy box set. Same deal as the Supes' box set...9 discs, all of the Alien films, their directors cuts, and CRAZY extras! Plus, I bought it for like $20 bucks brand new on sale!
Matt you cheater, you broke the rules...so i will too since it's hard to determine one.
Horror: My RHPS/Shock Treatment double feature collection.
Non horror: Clerks 3 Disk edition!
Ha, I put up the post and then cheated! I'm such a douche! I thought about mentioning my Lone Wolf and Cub box set, which is awesome, but I thought three would be cheating just a little too much!
Non-horror: The complete boxed set of The Wire, purchased for $80 via one of those amazing secret sales.
Horror: Killer Klowns From Outer Space, since it was the very first DVD I ever owned and it set a high bar for special features.
Seasons 1, 2 and 3 of "Friday the 13th: The Series". I waited SO damn long to get them that I am like a kid each time I spy them on the shelf or pop a disc in to watch.
Damn another tough one, based on rarity and enjoyment as a whole, The Coffin Joe Trilogy (Coffin Case) set would have to rank #1 for me!
Since others are doing it...
Horror: "Dawn of the Dead" Ultimate Edition.
Non-horror: Criterion's 2006 edition of "Seven Samurai".
My Halloween: 25 Years of Terror DVD signed by John Carpenter is definitely my most prized DVD.
As for box sets, I'd say I get the most use out of my F13 box set, but none of them are particularly dear to me.
My "The Definitive Evil Dead" Trilogy Box Set. Got it as a present for my 21st Birthday. *It's special because it was from my mum, who actually hates horror movies, but she knew I'd love the set.
Very close second would be my Alien Quadrilogy set.
Non-horror: My "Lost" boxsets.
Horror: The "Evil Dead" trilogy boxset, which is possibly the most prized thing I own.
The Val Lewton Collection! Waited a long time for those movies to get to DVD...
My favorite and most prized box sets are the Bava and Bava 2 ones from Anchor Bay and my most favorite Region 2 DVD is Michele Soavi's The Sect.
Either my House of 1000 Corpses/Devil's Rejects 3 disc set signed by Bill Moseley, William Forsythe and Ken Foree or my Terminator DVD signed by Michael Biehn.
My Halloween DVD series. I'll always have that as a number 1. And I'll probably be cremated with it......:P
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