What horror film were you sooooo excited for, but it turned out to be the biggest disappointment?
Origin Stories continued: 13/15, A Safe Place
Back in 2007, twenty-year-old Sophie Lancaster and her boyfriend were
brutally beaten on the streets of Britain. Sophie later died of her
injuries. They we...
16 hours ago
I was super excited for Army of Darkness when it came out, then when I went to see it in theaters, I hated it big time. Since then, I have come to love the film very much, but it took a while before I did finally appreciate it.
I was pretty let down by The Blair Witch Project, after all the hype, I found my self bored out of my socks. I'm not one of those folks who says that it sucks because it doesn't have a good payoff. I didn't like a moment of it, and I came out of the theater ready to punch the first backpacker or person in a down vest that I saw. Oh, and I still don't like it. I have 10 times more fun watching Part 2.
Im with Bugg on this one, I was incredibly disappointed seeing BWP in theaters, though I have grown infinitely more fond of it since. I was also pissed off as hell with THE RING 2, but I dont think anything could have topped AVP...
Rob Zombie's HALLOWEEN. After HOUSE OF 1000 CORPSES and THE DEVIL'S REJECTS I was super excited to see where he would take HALLOWEEN. The most let down I've been after a movie...maybe ever.
Diary of the Dead, atleast upon my initial viewing.
Maybe Paranormal Activity. It was good, but not great. Not like I thought it would be.
"Demonic Toys 2". Squandered potential at almost every turn, given that it tried to build on two great cheesy movies of the past. ("Demonic Toys" and "Hideous!")
Alien 3. I hate it to this day.
It sucked
I was soooo looking forward to, but after 15 minutes, I walked out of Blair Witch....first time I had ever done that...almost asked for my money back- but there were TV cameras doing interviews for local piece about the movie and I knew that they really didn't want my opinion on broadcast TV :D
The most recent real let down would be "Wrong Turn 3", I guess, because I enjoyed part 2 a hell of a lot.
Biggest let down of all time? "The Exorcist". I realize some people will be collecting their jaws from the floor, but I found it to be totally devoid of scares. Good acting and special effects, but I went into it expecting the "scariest movie ever" and came out thinking "that's it?".
Do remakes count? Cause the new Wolfman broke my heart.
The Host...
Zombie's "Halloween". Was so freaking pumped for a great take on the best film. And got a steamin' pile o'crap.
This would be a HUGE list. Lately, it would be The Fourth Kind and Shutter Island. Both aren't very good. Rob Zombie's Halloween(the first one) I was excited for and it turned out to be a complete waste of time. Paranormal Activity. I really jumped up and down because the trailer was epic. Sadly, the movie was anything but....Blair Witch, I liked what I saw in the previews, not what I saw in the theater.
@Alymer I almost picked Alien 3 also. I saw that in theaters and was so excited, but I hated it.
I can also add House of 1000 Corpses and Saw to this list, but I do have a bit of a soft spot and kinda enjoy House of 1000 Corpses nowadays.
"The Tommyknockers" was horrible. It was one of my favorite Stephen King books and the TV mini-series sucked the big one.
I'm going to say...
28 Days Later. I was so angry with this film I almost didn't finish watching it. Blair Witch, The Ring, Drag me to Hell, and Saw all let me down.
Paranormal Activity, I hated it, it made me angry. (Pops a prozac) ;P
House of 1000 Corpses and Halloween II...Rob has a special ability to disappoint I guess, especially with House since it had all that buzz for soooo long before it came out. And a killer title too.
Also, Grace and Thirst were pretty big disappointments for me after reading so many rave reviews.
I agree with B-Movie Becky: Grace was a huge disappointment for me. Everyone seemed to love this flick and I hated it. Paranormal Activity was also a letdown.
HALLOWEEN: RESURRECTION. After what -I- thought was an amazing re-visiting of Michael and Laurie's twisted super-psycho family dynamic in HALLOWEEN H20, here comes this watered-down piece of shit with Jamie Lee Curtis' ignoble, hurried final cameo and Busta Rhymes goofing on - actually getting the better - of a pussified Michael. Bah!
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