Origin Stories continued: 14/15, Within This House
The penultimate story in Corpse Road Blues from Demain Publishing is a
story of contrasts. Within This House uses a combination of diary form and
present t...
12 hours ago
If it's foreign, yeah. I've fallen madly in love with Scandinavian horror so I'm eagerly watching that with subtitles.
If a film is foreign, I prefer subs every time. You'd be surprised how different a film feels when you hear it in its native language. Bad dubbing can make a good film seem cheesy, especially when you get into to 70's Italian action and horror.
Only if I don't understand the language.
And yeah... if it's a foreign flick I prefer Subtitles over Dubz any day. Hate to take away from the actual actors.
Indeed, if it's in a different language, I do. Sometimes, playing the English-dubbed version with the English subtitles can be interesting because they don't always match up very well. A couple of the "Blind Dead" films provide good examples of this.
If it is foreign, yes. I like to know what's going on! :)
I actually prefer to watch most movies with subtitles....
Whether they're foreign or not.
Films in a foreign language certainly - much better than watching the dubbed versions, although dubbing can lead to much hilarity!
It's a shame that there's a lot of DVDs still being released without the option.
Im actually with Andrew, I watch every single film with the subs on, and I get frustrated if they arent included with a film. I have trouble tuning out the dialog sometimes when Im playing with the kid or talking with the wife, and even when I am sitting alone focusing solely on the screen i can sometimes dive into the picture and forget to listen, so reading really helps me better understand the plot and characters so I do it regardless of the original language track, but certainly in place of dubbing
Generally speaking, only if I don't know the language.
If I don't know the language, always. The dubbing is usually not as good as the original acting and only detracts from the film.
I love watching foreign films with subs. The dubbing takes away from what the original director intended. Also...matching mouth flaps with dubbing is pretty hard, and often, isn't done very well. It becomes distracting watching the mismatched mouth flaps with the audio feed. Takes away from the experience, methinks.
Only if it's foreign. I'm not a big fan of dubbing. Makes me laugh more often than not.
Not unless it's a foreign film. And I do have a few. I don't watch subtitles on films made in English though. I can't stand dubbed films, so I'd rather listen to it in it's native language and read the subs. Like Autumnforest, I've kind of fallen in love with Scandinavian horror lately.
Only if foreign.
I watch subtitles instead of dubbing, but only when I don't know the language - ie not English :D
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